Thursday, October 11, 2007

Using Resumptive and summative Modifiers to Gracefully Extend Your Sentences

1. Many different school systems are making a return to traditional education in the basics.
ⓡ_____, education that requires students to attend their classes, not take classes on-line.
ⓢ_____, a change that has implemented by programs for the last ten years .
ⓕ_____, introducing new teaching skills that mixed new and old teaching skills.

2. While the period of the last few years or so, automobile manufacturers have been trying to meet new and more stringent quality control requirements.
ⓡ_____, requirements that are compelled by the government and environmental organizations.
ⓢ_____, a challenge which all companies do not appose the requirements.
ⓕ_____, making strict laws that regulate automobile manufactures.

3. The majority of young people in the world of today con not even begin to have an understanding of the insecurity that a large number of older people had experienced during the Great Depression.
ⓡ_____, insecurity that had depressed all economic fields.
ⓢ_____, a failure that is situation that economists could not anticipate at that time.
ⓕ_____, unnecessarily spending much money on items.

4. The reasons for the cause of aging are a puzzle that has perplexed humanity of millennia.
ⓡ_____, a puzzle that have been tried to solve by scientists.
ⓢ_____, a mystery that noone understand why people become old.
ⓕ_____, is not solving aging in future.

5. The successful accomplishment of test-tube fertilization of embryos has raised many issues of an ethical nature that continue to trouble both scientists and laypeople.
ⓡ_____, issues that are seriously controversial in all nations.
ⓢ_____, an event that having a baby through experience is advantages or disadvantages.
ⓕ_____, trying to experiment on test-tube fertilization by the thousands.

6. Many who lived during the period of the Victorian era were appalled when Darwin put forth the suggestion that their ancestry might have included creatures such as apes.
ⓡ_____, apes that are similarly to monkey.
ⓢ_____, a belief that almost people had believed people are created by god.
ⓕ_____, rejecting this suggestion in this period.

7. In the period known to scholars and historians as the Renaissance, increases in affluence and stability in the area of political affairs had the consequence of allowing streams of thought of different kinds to merge and flow together.
ⓡ_____, Renaissance that began 14th century and finished 17th century.
ⓢ_____, separations that all learning was separated and not linked with other learning the period of Renaissance.
ⓕ_____, making the transition form the medieval to the modern period.

8. The field of journalism has to an increasing degree placed its focus on the kind of news stories and events that at one time in our history were considered to be only gossip of a salacious and sexual nature.
ⓡ_____, journalism that is consist of superficial thought and research, a popular slant and hurried composition.
ⓢ_____, contents that many people have interested in news stories and events.
ⓕ_____, have reading journal in different age groups.

9. In his documentary Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore has put the spotlight on the American Penchant for violence.
ⓡ_____, violence that is becoming more and more seriously.
ⓢ_____, a suggestion that few have focused this problem.
ⓕ_____, showing raising problems and counterplans.

10. Al Gore has tirelessly urged world government to develop policies in response to global warming.
ⓡ_____, global warming that has emerged during 50 years and is serious problem in the world.
ⓢ_____, a possibility that raising many problems that is mantioned in many books.
ⓕ_____, making law to prevent global warming in many nations.

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