Friday, October 26, 2007

A Capacity for Toy

Play is very important to animals. (Playing might improve evolutionary functions and develop social, neurological, or physical capacities.)

Nowadays, many experts have tried to study about paying related to animals and new information is found by experts.

- New information 1 : some animals might show much interest in humans’ play (an elephant try to imitate children's swinging many time but it cannot do it)

- New information 2 : some animals might show deep interest in themselves’ play(Alaskan buffalo plays by themselves on ice)

- New information 3 : some animal might play alone, using objects(Komodo in a British zoo, alligator in Georgia, gorillas and chimpanzees use objects such as a shovel, artificial water falling and dolls during playing)

- New information 4 : using playing with objects develop to social play(When dolphin at an oceanarium play with a feather, the others joined in and then play with it each other. Also lions and beluga whales play each other, using objects.)

- New information 5 : some animals recognize rules through training.( Elephants and dolphins can understand game rules)

- New information 6 : some animals find playmates and enjoy games across the barrier of species( Dogs can play with other animals. Also they get along with humans)

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