Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Academic - Non Academic

We talk about academic and non-academic in this class yersterday.
Obviously, there are points of diffences concerning this topic.

Firstly, academic writing involves specific theses and claims. These specific thesises and claims include terminology, citation, example, evidence which can support theses and calims.
In addiotion, preple who read academic writings find a formal structure, logics, objeictives in an academic writting.

In contrast with Acamdemic writing, non academic writing does not constrain. It has general terms all peoply can easily understand. While constrained people can read academic writings, all people can read and touch non academic writings. Non academic writings authors tend to write it without detail infromaion and have various topics. These various topics will create free structures.

Secondly, academic writings provide readers with purposes and particular infromaiton. Non academci wirting, howeve,r give people exciting and interesitng feelings and imaginations. For exampl, while textbooks are read by a few people who have interested in the related field, people of all ages and both sexes want to read non academic wirtings because they also supply experiences related to authors for them.

All things considered, these days, it is difficult for two types of writtings to distinguish because non-academic writings alsos involve the facts of academic writings.
However, there certainly are diverse differences between academic writing and non academic writing.That is why by above the fact of academic writings writings can be distingusihed.

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